CAT&Docs Catalog

*FIPA (Festival international des programmes audiovisuels de Biarritz) (Paris, France)
* Thessaloniki Documentary Film Festival (Greece)
* Food Film festival (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
* Worldfilm Festival (Tartu, Estonia)
* ImagéSanté - La Rochelle (France)
* Film Santé Image (Nancy , France)

* Audience Award – FIFF Namur 2011
* First Prize – Imagésanté

A Stranger’s Skin

Category |Food, Health, Human Interest, Personal Story, Social Issues
Year | 2011
Country | Belgique
Running time | 51’
Format |
Production | FraKas Productions
Director | Christophe Hermans

Arnaud is a 20 year old young man. Following the death of his mother three years ago, he has dropped out of his studies and taken refuge in food to fill the void. He now weighs 177 kilos and lives with his father, with whom he quarrels constantly. Arnaud has reached the point where he has decided to undergo a stomach reduction operation....

PRESS IMAGES: (click to preview)