*Dok.Fest Münich (Germany)
* IDFA (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
* Sheffield Doc/Fest (UK)
* AFI Docs (Silver Spring, USA)
* Thessaloniki Documentary Film Festival (Greece)
* Frontline Club (London, UK)
* Festival del Cinema Africano, d’Asia e America Latina (Milano, Italy)
* Movies that Matter Foundation (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
* FIFDH - Festival du film et Forum sur les Droits Humains (Geneve, Switzerland)
* Full Frame Documentary Film Festival (Durham, USA)
* Millenium International Documentary Film Festival (Bruxelles, Belgium)
* Busan International Film Festival (Seoul , South Korea)
* Camerimage - The International Film Festival of the Art of Cinematography (Toruń, Poland)
* Frauen Film Tage (Wien, Austria)
* Antenna International Documentary Film Festival (Sydney, Australia)
* Human Rights Human Wrongs (Oslo, Norway)
* Granada International Film Festival CINES DEL SUR (Spain)
* San Sebastián Human Rights Film Festival (Spain)
* Jerusalem Anthropological Film Festival (Jerusalem, Israel)
* Docs Against Gravity Film Festival (Poland)
* Tutti nello stesso piatto (Trento, Italy)
* CineAgenzia (Camposampiero, Italy)
* Salaya International Documentary Film Festival (Nakornpathom, Thailand)
* Globale Mittelhessen (Kirchvers, Germany)
* Coalmine (Switzerland)
* Barbican Centre (London, UK)
* FOKAL - Fondation Connaissance et libertés (Haïti)
* Assen International Filmfestival (The Netherlands)

* Special Jury Award - Les Escales Documentaires de Libreville!
* “Windows on the World” Prize for the Best Feature Film - Festival del Cinema Africano, d'Asia e America Latina
* Best Documentary - Festival del Cinema Africano, d'Asia e America Latina
* Inspiration Award - Full Frame
* Special Mention Award - Salaya Doc Festival
* Best Documentary - Busan Wide Angle

The Storm Makers

Category |Abuse, Corruption, Human Interest, Social Issues, Women
Year | 2014
Country | France / Cambodge
Running time | 66’ - 62’
Format | HD
Production | Tipasa Production, Bophana Production (Rithy Panh)
Director | Guillaume Suon

Aya is a former slave. At the age of 16, the young Cambodian peasant was sold to a Malaysian recruitment agency to work as a maid. There she was beaten, abused and deprived without receiving a salary. Now back in village, she is just as poor as when she left. Dishonoured and traumatised, what is left of her humanity? The film traces modern-day slavery in Cambodia by disclosing the fate of this young woman and following, in parallel, the daily lives of two human traffickers, a local recruiter and the head of an agency. Cambodian people call these traffickers “Mey Kechol”: The Storm Makers. From the impoverished remote villages to the bustling urban centre of Phnom Penh, The Storm Makers reveals a unique perspective on the exploitation of Cambodia's rural population. The film raises an unsettling question: what is the price of a young peasant‘s life in contemporary Cambodian society?

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